Salivary Gland Problems

You have 4 major salivary glands (two parotids and two submandibular glands) as well as many smaller minor salivary glands. If a stone is present or the duct has a narrowing in – it can lead to intermitted swelling of the glands (every time you produce saliva and the saliva cannot freely drain). Apart from swelling, itchiness and pain can also be present. In worse cases it can lead to an infection of the gland.

Firstly the ENT surgeon will examine you to see if a palpable stone is present. An ultrasound (or CT scan) is normally the first examination of choice. Then a sialoendoscopy will be performed (most of the times under general anaesthesia) to identify and treat the cause. If this fails the gland can be excised if still symptomatic.